Branding Workshop IEEE BIT Mesra by Arun Pandit

I will be conducting a workshop hosted by IEEE Student Branch – BIT Mesra (Deoghar Campus) on the topic
“The Brand called ” You “:
How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand!”
at BIT Deoghar presented by
Gyaan Ganga on 29th January 2022.
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Branding Workshop IEEE BIT Mesra by Arun Pandit

Thank you to the 100+ attendees who actively participated during my workshop hosted by IEEE Student Branch – BIT Mesra (Deoghar Campus) on the topic
“The Brand Called ” You “:
How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand!”
at BIT Deoghar presented by
Gyaan Ganga on 29th January 2022.
Thank you for your patience, thoughtful questions, and wonderful feedback!
Let’s get back to building!