Hyphen SCS selected in Seed Spark by Stanford

Hyphen SCS selected in Seed Spark by Stanford
I am delighted to share that Hyphen SCS is selected for the prestigious Seed Spark online entrepreneurship program offered by Stanford Seed.
We will now be a part of Seed Spark 05 South Asia September 2022 Cohort (Spark 05).
We are thankful to Jeffrey S. Prickett ( Global Director of Stanford Seed ), P R Ganapathy ( Regional Director, Stanford Seed India ), S Anandh ( Program Coordinator, Stanford Seed ), and Dinesh Kumar ( Blended Learning Program Manager, Stanford Seed ) for the warm welcome and wonderful kick-off to the orientation program.
We are grateful to our collaborators Young Leaders Council AIMA and All India Management Association (AIMA) for nominating us and giving us this wonderful opportunity.
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