“Rise Up Galgotias,” a joint event by Galgotias University, Greater Noida, and UNITE UP NGO.
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Speaker for the “Rise Up” Galgotias
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be speaking at the upcoming “Rise Up Galgotias,” a joint event by Galgotias University, Greater Noida, and UNITE UP NGO.
As someone who truly believes in the power of hope and optimism and as the co-founder of Hyphen SCS and Dont Give Up World, I can’t wait to share my insights, experiences, and vision for future success.
Join us for a day filled with innovation and inspiration.
Don’t miss out!
hashtag#riseup hashtag#arunpandit hashtag#dontgiveup hashtag#dontgiveupworld hashtag#motivational hashtag#inspirational hashtag#hyphenscs hashtag#galgotias hashtag#galgotiasuniversity hashtag#motivationalspeaker hashtag#guestspeaker hashtag#speaker