From CBSE Compartment to MITx Achievement: My Journey
The Journey from “Certificate of Compartment” in 12th C.B.S.E. Board to “Certificate of Achievement” in S.C.M. from MITx .
Only 678 out of 14,080 applicants across 173 countries cleared the passing grade . The course was a personal challenge for me as it was outside my comfort zone .Rather it lied in my Fear Zone . I was very weak in mathematics . I was so weak that my teachers recommended me to take arts as majors . I barely passed in Mathematics that too after more than one attempt in most of the cases . SCM was also outside my comfort zone i.e. Sales & Marketing . And MIT was something we only used to Joke about as Kids . We didn’t even knew how to pronounce it. After getting compartment twice during 12th , failing in NDA written thrice , failing in almost all competitive exams for engineering & getting panic attack during the final exam for this course. This certificate is more of a ” Certificate of overcoming my Demons ” than a ” Certificate of Achievement”
I would urge everyone to never stop believing !
Fail ! Fall ! Cry ! Even Die Trying but…
Don’t Give Up !
#arunpandit#fear#mitx#mit#scm#dontgiveup#dontgiveupworld#nda#sainikschooldiaries#iiftian#iiftdelhi#iift#truxapp#failure#kullu#himachalpradesh#hp#fearmaths#confidence#overcome#supplychain#compartment#certificate #MIT #edx#stmarysschool#sainikschoolsujanpurtira#demons#outsidecomfortzone#dark #inspire #believe #getupnow #itsnotover #stilllearning