The story of Veerendra Ellur , Arun Pandit & Don’t Give Up World

It has been almost 12 years since I started : My humble attempt to spread the word of hope and optimism. There are days when I feel we @dontgiveupworld are not making much of an impact. And there are days when you meet top performing people like Veerendra Ellur who happen to be in your own organization and who happen to be following @dontgiveupworld much before joining the organization . I was absolutely humbled to know that he started writing inspired by our initiative.
Thank you for inspiring us back. Appreciated! |
#arunpandit #dontgiveup #dontgiveupworld #veerendraellur #loadshare #loadsharenetwork #appreciated #community #inspirational #thankful #grateful #humbled #inspired #makinganimpact