National Logistics Skill Development meeting with Pawan Agarwal Sir

It was a pleasure both learning and sharing my suggestions towards continuous professional development and skilling in the Logistics ecosystem
The meeting was chaired by the honorable Shri Pawan Agarwal Special Secretary (Logistics), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
I had a perception that Government bodies lack the urgency and pace in getting things done.
I am must confess that it was simply inspired to see the rigor, attention to detail, and action-oriented discussion between the various stakeholders lead with so much energy and passion by Pawan Agarwal sir.
Thank you, sir, for acknowledging my suggestions on technology-centric solutions to make learning fun.
And understanding the role of continuous process instead of the traditional boring and limited to just a few pieces of training sometimes.
Thank you MANAB MAJUMDAR Sir and FICCI for playing such a pivotal role to make an impact across the various key programs across the country.
I would also like to thank Ramanujam TS and Logistics Sector Skill Council for leading the National Logistics Skill Development meeting.
#learninganddevelopment #logistics #supplychainmanagement
#onthejobtraining #skilldevelopment #traininganddevelopment #ministryofcommerce #governmentofindia #startupindia #atmanirbharbharat