Tag Archives: Hadas Shatz-Azoulay

Interaction with Zev Brand & Hadas Co-founders MindTension

Interaction with Zev Brand & Hadas Co-founders MindTension Arun Pandit Hyphen SCS Zev Brand and Hadas Shatz Azoulay Mind Tension scaled

Interaction with Zev Brand & Hadas Co-founders MindTension Interaction with Zev Brand & Hadas Co-founders MindTension It was a pleasure meeting and learning from Zev Brand and Hadas Shatz-Azoulay , co-founders at MindTension while representing Hyphen SCS at MassChallenge Israel .They have invented an affordable, ultra-precise, rapid diagnostic platform to measure ADHD Paying attentionResisting impulsesPreparingOrganizingCompleting tasks…are challenging and sometimes impossible.Especially …

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