Interaction with Caitlin Reimers Brumme CEO MassChallenge

It was a pleasure interacting with Caitlin Reimers Brumme, CEO of MassChallenge at the closing ceremony of MassChallenge Israel 2022 cohort.
It was a pleasure sharing Hyphen SCS
growth story and our pursuit of becoming the biggest warehousing and fulfillment startup in India.
She talked about her experience and interest in the Indian Startup ecosystem.
I apprised her about the quantity as well as the quality of startups booming in India and requested her to consider starting Mass Challenge India in near future.
It was an energetic and inspiring conversation.
I have promised her that we would become one of the biggest startups in the Mass Challenge portfolio and play a critical role as Mass Challenge Alumni in the near future.
We would live by the mission of creating Mass Impact!
Interaction with Caitlin Reimers Brumme CEO MassChallenge