Shayak Mazumder CEO Eunimart with Arun Pandit

Shayak Mazumder CEO Eunimart with Arun Pandit
I meet Shayak Mazumder sir ( CEO & Co-founder Eunimart ) virtually as a part of a panel discussion during the E-Log Asia summit hosted by Max Henry and Global Supply Chain Council (GSCC) a few years back.
It was an absolute pleasure to meet him in person while representing Hyphen SCS at the TiE Global Summit hosted by TiE Hyderabad .
I have been following his journey and that has helped me immensely in my journey as a young early-stage founder.
His platform Eunimart accelerates organic growth for eCommerce sellers around the world.
Eunimart platform sits at the center of business operations, connecting everything from product and catalog management to supply chain and logistics.
By centralizing control of every channel end to end, Eunimart empowers eCommerce businesses to reduce costs and maximize operational efficiency, while easily expanding to new channels of sale domestically and abroad.
A suite of sophisticated AI features for deep business insights and automation, as well as an array of supply chain and logistics partners around the world, round out a full suite of features designed to make organic growth as fast, easy and profitable as possible.
Shayak Mazumder CEO Eunimart with Arun Pandit